Jake Fischer Portrait
Jake Fischer
Graphic Designer

My name's Jake Fischer. I'm a 2024, proud Graphic Design graduate of Oregon State University (Go Beavs!). I've spent the past 6 years working on my degree, freelancing, working at different internships, and honing my skill sets in anything that piques my curiosity. That includes, but is not at all limited to, my professional interests in graphic design, UI design, motion graphics, content creation, and my personal pursuits in Japanese and fitness.

A Bit More About Me

While I've been in school, I've focused my efforts on experiences that help to fuel me creatively. In that time, I've traveled to 10 different countries and garnered a wide variety of perspectives that have shaped me into the person I am today.

My focus in graphic design stems from a need to creatively express myself. I love working with unique, interesting people that help to enrich my life with new and exciting perspectives. I'm the type of person who's actively pursuing things outside of my comfort zone, and always pushing to be better by a little bit each day.

© 2023, All rights reserved. | Created by Jake Fischer Designs